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  Fellowship in Physiotherapy with International and University Certifications Fellowship in Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy FCRP

Fellowship in Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy FCRP

Fellowship in Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy FCRP
SKU SKU17832


Topics covered generally include:

1. Aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation of complex cardiopulmonary dysfunction across the lifespan, including:

- Critical care: intensive care and high dependency

2. Adaptation of history taking for patients presenting with complex cardiopulmonary dysfunction.

3. Adaptation of physical examination principles and procedures commonly used in assessing the cardiopulmonary function of patients with complex cardiopulmonary disease and related issues of reliability and validity.

4. Radiological and medical investigations commonly ordered for the investigation of cardiopulmonary function in acute care, exercise training and paediatric care.

5. Techniques, indications, contraindications, complications, progression, biological basis and empirical evidence for physiotherapeutic management of complex cardiopulmonary dysfunction including:

- manual hyperinflation

- non invasive ventilation

- suctioning

- exercise testing and prescription

- interventions for paediatric respiratory conditions.

6. Physiotherapeutic care of the patient in intensive care or high dependency including:

- ventilated patients

- respiratory failure

- multi system failure and acute head injury

- spinal injury

- neonatal intensive care

- the multidisciplinary team and the role of the physiotherapist.

7. Rehabilitation and exercise for pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders, including:

- indications and contraindications

- exercise testing

- exercise prescription and progression

- monitoring and safety

- patient education

- outcome measures

- the multidisciplinary team and the role of the physiotherapist.

8. Advanced clinical reasoning skills needed for planning and interpreting the clinical examination and implementing physiotherapy treatment for complex cardiopulmonary dysfunction.patient examination and assessment techniques, including thoracic imaging advanced physiotherapy skills, techniques and adjuncts clinical reasoning, integration of evidence use of manual, mechanical and exercise techniques,

9. breathing strategies, breathlessness and dysfunctional breathing, including management
cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, including exercise in the critically ill
thoracic and cardiac surgery, including transplantation ventilatory support, sleep and positive pressure ventilation, including lung protection strategies non-invasive ventilation extended scope practice
clinical cases and problems

Teaching, structure and assessment

This course runs through 6 months and is delivered through a combination of Online,face-to-face lectures, workshops and seminars. There’ll also be online learning tests which you’ll need to complete.

Learning Outcomes:

you should be able to:

Demonstrate and discuss patient assessment and examination techniques, including a systematic approach to physiotherapy assessment in both the acute and community setting
explain the physiological basis for excess bronchial secretions, the properties of sputum and muco ciliary clearance

Demonstrate and describe the role of the physiotherapist in adult cardiorespiratory care, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, including exercise in the critically ill and physiotherapy concepts related to thoracic and cardiac surgery, including transplantation,
select, justify and apply appropriate physiotherapy techniques including manual, mechanical and exercise prescription understand the application and use of non-invasive ventilation in patients with neuromuscular disorders

Demonstrate an understanding of breathing strategies, including the management of breathlessness and dysfunctional breathing.

Demonstrate an understanding of ventilatory support, sleep and positive pressure ventilation, including lung protection strategies and non-invasive ventilation.
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